Prices for every stage of your company's communication

What company doesn’t want to evolve its digital communication, right?

We wanted more autonomy in the creation and adjustments of KORA’s intents and more agility to replicate it in other channels. Take is a Facebook’s partner and since WhatsApp is so relevant in Brazil, we also considered it as a diferential.
Tatiana Michelan
Ko.RE Senior Manager
We were looking to bring the company into the digital era, with focus on innovation. We wanted to move forward with Artificial Intelligence and when we researched some platforms, we discovered Blip and saw that we could have the official WhatsApp API on a more mature platform capable of giving us the evolution we were looking for. // We have evolved a lot in this last 12 months: we started off with a basic chatbot that relied on menus and grew more and more until we got to Fabi, which hardly ever uses a menu, but rather a lot of Natural Language Processing. We managed to do everything we wanted with Blip. We felt it was the best in the market to help us achieve our goals.
Gabriel Diederichsen
IT Manager
Our partnership with Take is invaluable because their tools are extremely innovative for our distribution model via WhatsApp Business.
Diego Dzodan
Co-founder e CEO

Create a free account and test it in practice!

Want to see firsthand everything Blip has to offer? Create a free account to start building your Smart Contact!

If you need tools not included in the free account (such as WhatsApp integration), you can upgrade at any time.

Up to 2 agents

Limited conversations/month

Access to the Blip Community

Custom flows


We know that \”it depends\” is not a good answer, so let us explain how the process works. The implementation of Blip involves legal and financial verification for contract signing, and then there is the onboarding of the tool with your team. Additionally, the official API verification for WhatsApp goes through a process with Meta. In other words, activation depends on both the responsible parties in your company and Meta. At every stage, you can rely on Blip to make the process as fast as possible!
With the official API from WhatsApp, you can connect unlimited agents once you have integrated it into the Blip platform. The number of attendants will be available according to the availability of the contracted plan.
Yes, you just need to have opt-in, i.e. the formal authorization from your customers, according to the GDPL (General Data Protection Law). This authorization can be an acceptance box in your forms or a \”yes\” from your client via WhatsApp, for example. Otherwise, it is a violation of WhatsApp\’s privacy and can lead to the blocking of your account.
Absolutely! With Blip, your company can leverage everything that WhatsApp has to offer to sell even more. Capture new customers, engage in sales and customer service on WhatsApp with a secure and comprehensive platform.
Daily Active Users (DAUs), also known as unique conversations, are conversations counted from the sending or receiving of any type of message via Blip between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM of the same day. They are counted only once per channel, even if there is no response from the recipient. Unique conversations include human support (via Blip Desk) and active notifications, as well as messages from chatbots. Each plan has a quota for the number of unique conversations per month.
You can connect Blip to all major messaging channels: WhatsApp*, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Microsoft Teams, Google RCS, Google Assistant, Apple Messages for Business, Workplace Chat, email, and SMS. In addition, you can also integrate to your tools. *For WhatsApp usage, your company needs to have a valid website and comply with the platform\’s business policy.
By default, Meta requires a series of information to understand your company\’s operations. You need to provide certain details such as the company name, a valid website with a domain, and the brand logo, for example. To have a WABA (WhatsApp Business Account), we will also need a phone number.
Yes, we are official partners of Meta and we have the WhatsApp Business Solution Provider badge. This means that your chatbot is safe with us and we are authorized to create and manage official accounts. Always make sure to rely on solutions certified by Meta and check who the authorized partners are in the Official Directory.
It varies depending on your company\’s structure and your objectives with your chatbot! We have ready-made flows and integrations on our platform to facilitate usage, but if you need further customization and don\’t have a team for chatbot creation, we also have an ecosystem of partners trained by Blip to assist you in any market segment.
The procurement process consists of 4 stages: diagnosis and demonstration, commercial proposal, contract signing, and onboarding. In the first stage, one of our specialists will contact you, conduct a diagnosis of your needs, and demonstrate how our solutions can help you. Moving on to the second stage, we will present a personalized commercial proposal, and if the proposal is approved, the process advances to the contract signing stage. At the end of the process, we will start your onboarding journey, where you will learn, in a didactic way, how to use our solutions and achieve results.